My journey unveiling the wonders of the Catholic missions, monasteries, their architectures and the holy people living within these religious, historical and cultural sites.

How many of us get so wrapped up in our own lives, nurturing our children and guiding them through life as they turn into adults, that we get lost in our own worlds? A world we perfectly construct and that we feel is indestructible. Life gets busy, then grief strikes, turning us and our worlds inside out. Grief is not a linear process but a unique and individual journey.

Mourning the death of my parents, the line of my family and the end of significant life changes in my career – the rocks that had anchored me – and in my quest to overcome the unbearable darkness and hopelessness that followed, I sought comfort in my faith and my love of God. And Who is God? All around the world people worship their God so differently. I began a journey to discover how our beliefs connect us and soon realised that we have to become open to the divine source of energy, to which every one of us is linked.  Exploring different cultures and religious beliefs, my journey of faith, wellness, spiritual and religious tourism was born.

Being aware that anyone who enters upon one of these esoteric paths of the great religions is performing the actual work of changing consciousness in our world, I began with what I know, love and am passionate about. For me, this is Catholicism.

Chapter one of my journey is unveiling the wonders of the Catholic missions, monasteries and the most holy people living within these sites. Exploring the spiritual dimensions of travel – I’ve called it ‘mission tourism’.

These missions and monasteries are steeped in deep religious beliefs where the silent prayer of the men and women who commit themselves into the presence of God is far stronger and far more powerful than any words. Such persons are connecting themselves to God’s field of force and becoming conductors of energy to others. The privilege of breathing the same air as these persons is indescribable.

Not only are the monasteries rich in history, culture and architectural heritage, they are also a photographer’s dream.

Packages are designed to cater for any of the above from one-day trips to five-day trips.

If we press forward further into what we call the divine life in us, we transform the world – not through our own strength but through the strength of the Divine to which we open ourselves.

This is my story, I am Mandy Massey, the founder of Mission Tourism