You are the shadows you see when you close your eyes, the figure on your internal screen, the shape, the form, the light and dark pattern. Shut your eyes and take a look. The design you see is how you are known beyond this planet, your name, if you will. It identifies your soul. Do you recognise it?
Peace carries through its design, this composition behind closed eyes, this gateway. You see it before falling asleep and while meditating; feel it pulling your energy inward, relieving you of wayward vibes you’ve picked up.
Is your consciousness familiar with it, this recurring vision you’ve had since childhood? You feel it now as you felt it then, like the energy a childhood toy carries, returning you to an earlier point of freedom and exploration, clear of stress and limitations. An innocent energy, uninfluenced by thought, or previous experiences.
You’re not alone in seeing it
Your soul in the cosmos is recognised by this configuration you see with eyes shut.
Your piece of God is known by its design.
Your share of what is indistinguishable among all beings is magically discernible by its shape.
Awaken to this.
Forget what you think you know is the truth. Unlearn what you have been trained to believe is real and open to wonder. For you are magical; your sisters and brothers are the planets and stars.
Tell the universe, the cosmos, you seek reality beyond this earth. Create an energy flow serving that desire and manifest spiritual truth. Pursue the extraordinary to advance your awareness.
As an empath, a prayer, a healer, an energy worker, a lightworker, you will see individual soul names through your spiritual work, your ethereal connections to others. Sharpen your awareness. Allow for it, give permission, ask for it.
Close your eyes and open to wonder. Unlock the door.