A year’s supply of heavenly guidance and inspiration

We would like to introduce you to one of the timeless books by Eileen Caddy (1917-2006), co-founder of the Findhorn Community in Scotland. Opening Doors Within is a perennial meditation diary offering down-to-earth inspirational messages of spiritual guidance for every day of the year. Here at Odyssey we to use this hugely powerful little book for our daily inspiration. We selected this message the ‘go-live’ date of this edition 23.10.2020.
How synchronistic that is should dovetail so beautifully with this edition, which features self-advocacy and self-love.

“If you find yourself in a situation which is hard to accept and love, there is always something you can do about it if you want to; for as you go into the silence and seek Me, I will throw the light of truth on the situation. I will reveal to you why you are doing what you are doing. You may be sure there is a very good reason for it and that there are vitally important lessons to be learnt. Until you change your attitude and learn to love where you are, who you are with and what you are doing, you will have to remain in that situation. As soon as those lessons have been learnt and you truly love what you are doing and do it wholeheartedly for Me and for My sake, then you will move on to something else. Watch love open all doors for you.”

“My mother first heard her inner voice in 1953, while sitting in a sanctuary in Glastonbury in the south-west of England. By then, she had endured many hardships in her life, including being orphaned and losing her younger brother before her mid-twenties. Her falling in love with my father, Peter Caddy, a Squadron Leader in the RAF, resulted in her first husband taking out a court order disallowing her to have any contact with her first family of five children for 16 years and being ostracised by friends and family. She also endured the extreme discipline of my father’s former wife, Sheena, who became a spiritual teacher to both of them along with others, including Dorothy Maclean and Lena Lamont.

Yes, it was a hard life for my mother, but every time she looked for external security, she was directed back to placing her reliance on that internal voice that became the inspiration and clear direction to her life. The voice initially seemed to be there simply to help her in her times of personal need. It then developed to guide her and others in an experiment in conscious living. And finally, some messages were seen as important universal truths that could help and encourage many in their everyday lives”

– Jonathan Caddy

Eileen Caddy, MBE (1917-2006), was co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation, a thriving spiritual community in the North of Scotland. For more than 50 years, Eileen listened to and shared her inner guidance, inspiring millions around the world. In 2005 she was awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) from the Queen for her lifelong service to spiritual inquiry. She is the author of several books, including God Spoke to MeFootprints on the PathThe Spirit of Findhorn, and, with co-author David Earl Platts, Ph.D., Learning to Love

ISBN: 9781620558638, Available from on https://www.innertraditions.com/