Until now men who suffer from The Big ED (Erectile Dysfunction) have relied on medication to provide them with a few very well-planned, blissful hours. However, the medication wears off and then one is back to the limp unresponsive situation that affects one’s relationship, marriage and personal physiological wellbeing.

Carefully you plan the next encounter, pop a pill and perform for the period that this medication has forced your body into action. It does however not only last for the duration of the romantic encounter, but you are also up and ready to roll for hours to come, which might not be ideal and a rather uncomfortable situation.

The problem with PDE5 inhibitors such as Viagra is that they are aimed at managing the symptoms rather than treating the root cause of the problem and may have unwelcome side effects as a result. For the past 20 years these products have been regarded as the main treatment for erectile dysfunction but all of this is in the past, as a new ground-breaking treatment that addresses the cause of the problem is now available in South Africa.

Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy is a safe, comfortable treatment for men to optimise sexual performance and to reverse the effects of erectile dysfunction caused by poor blood flow. Using advanced acoustics technology, the Medispec ED1000 offers an innovative approach to vasculogenic ED, delivering a result that could free you from penis problems for as long as 18 months.
Taking their lead from previous cardiac research, which found that shock waves to the heart could help new blood vessels form, doctors applied the same approach to alleviate ED caused by restricted blood flow. Small shocks sent directly to the penis supply energy that increases growth factor levels. “This, in turn, produces new blood vessels,” explains Dr. Vijay Sangar, consultant urologist at Spire Manchester Hospital in England, who uses ED1000 therapy in his practice.

The new blood vessels address the issue of poor blood flow, fixing the problem at the root. And while shock waves directly to your shaft sound painful, Dr. Sangar assures there is no pain and minimal side effects.

Treatment includes 12 weeks of shock-wave sessions, after which a guy ideally doesn’t need to worry for at least 18 months. If you have documented vascular-related ED and there is no hormonal, neurological or psychological pathology then you’re an ideal candidate for the treatment.

There are, however, some criteria that might exclude you from being able to undergo the treatment. If your ED has a cause other than vascular aetiology or if you have a tumour, skin wound or infection at the treatment area, this is not for you.
The ED1000 was developed by researchers in Israel and there are now over 1 000 ED1000 systems around the world, including at Thermal Health Centurion in Gauteng.

The treatment is non-invasive and painless which means there is no need for hospitalisation before or after the treatment. You don’t even need to do any special pre-treatment procedure beforehand. There is no need for any post-treatment procedure and there is no restriction on sexual activity before or after treatments.

Results so far are extremely promising: “The shock wave therapy works in two-thirds of folks with vascular or diabetes-induced ED,” Dr. Sangar says. According to Medispec, some patients reported improvement after only six treatments.

This shock to your system could be just what it needed.

For more information contact Thermal Health Solutions Centurion 082 441 6850
to book a screening appointment and to discuss your treatment plan. @ThermalHealthCenturion

Ed and The OM Team


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