My editor’s note is inspired in this spring edition by an email questioning the inclusion of articles pertaining to life and sexuality in preference to all things ‘beautiful and enlightening’. At Odyssey we regard sexuality, intimacy and sexual energy as beautiful, vital, sacred and central to a healthful holistic and consciously engaged life.
The inspiration for launching Odyssey in 1977 was to publish a magazine, with solid journalistic integrity that supported the equality of all people, the honouring of earth and all living things and societal transformation. A magazine dedicated to ‘moving toward a new age.’ Since 1977 much has changed and much has remained the same.
In 2022 Odyssey Magazine still has maintained a traditional journalistic approach with content that counts and nourishes and is mainly concerned with the practice of providing news, reviews, columns, features and related social and wellness content, voicing certain issues that are prevalent in the holistic, conscious and green living space.
Odyssey supports engaged spirituality¹, the active engagements of our hearts and awareness in service of the higher and collective good, honouring the sacredness of our Earth Mother and all living things. It’s a deep commitment to societal transformation responding to our world’s suffering with wisdom and deep care.
This is unlike much of the pop spirituality that is promoted in countless books, audio programmes and internet sites and tends to concern itself primarily with personal betterment. Personally I am all for personal growth and betterment when it is combined with deep commitment to the collective good and an authentic personal commitment towards the wellbeing of the whole.
Traditional journalism focuses on the important stuff that is happening, not only on our planet and in our world, but outside our windows, in the lives of our people, in our communities and right here in our own hearts. That’s where Odyssey comes in.
We invite you to live kindly, gently and more consciously with Odyssey Magazine. If you would like to share what you would like to read more of – or see a little less of – in our magazine, please email me
Buy or renew your premium subscription to Odyssey in spring and receive a beautiful set of two purple and gold Hamsa Natural Essential Oil and Crystal Soaps. In addition to your four print magazines you also get a FREE digital subscription and three back copies of Odyssey Magazine.
Ed and the OM Team