An Odyssey Community, members-only, Interactive Zoom Event Dates to be announced Zoom-room capacity 20 members Watch this...
Are You Called to Guide? Wisdom Dialogues with Colleen-Joy Four inspiring lessons from 40 years of guiding, coaching and building Wisdom Wells An apple-tree doesn’t have a choice about being an apple-tree. If you have the heart and soul of a guide, coach, or...
We are all one “Join us,” my sister said…Meaning at the KwazuluSpirit Festival 9-11 August 2024 Previous invitations to ‘join us’ from my sister involved a 4 x 4 with a roof-top tent and ferrying our own fuel, water and supplies for a 14-day survival safari through...
I was wrong about money – how wisdom taught me to heal financially Wisdom Dialogues with Colleen-Joy The childhood message from my family was clear: “Money is not important – only love matters.” My parents and grandparents lived humble, loving,...
“Your World Needs your Wisdom” Wisdom Dialogues with Colleen-Joy Heal your inner obstacles to bring your wisdom to life and join Colleen-Joy’s Wisdom Well Challenge. I’m sure you’ll agree that, especially right now, the world needs wisdom. In times of great stress and...